Oregon's Environmental Education Conference

Sitting together and talking

Plan to attend our conference and summits. This is a chance to connect with old friends, hear about upcoming trends, learn a new trick of the trade, make new connections, grow in the field and so much more.

The conference and summits consist of multiple concurrent sessions, field experiences, workshops, keynote speakers, exhibits, and plenary sessions. 130-150 people attend each year from all across the state as well as California and Washington. Meet non-formal educators, classroom teachers, school administrators, museum and aquarium educators, camp directors, camp staff, outdoor school leaders, graduate students, social justice leaders, tribal members, state and federal agency workers, and so many more.

Come connect and learn from individuals and organizations from all types of backgrounds. And, broaden your exposure to new ideas, perspectives, and practices.

Conference Background

Oregon's Environmental Education Conference is annually hosted by the Environmental Education Association of Oregon, a statewide leader in environmental education since the 1970s. EEAO facilitates communication, coordination, resource sharing, and professional development to advance environmental education among over 200 members across the state among various sectors. EEAO also advocates for increased access to environmental learning opportunities for all Oregon residents in order to increase environmental literacy in Oregon.

About the Environmental Education Conference:

  • During the conference, participants will take part in informative and interactive sessions, breakout rooms, and opportunities to connect, virtually, with other conference attendees.
  • Over the course of the conference, participants will enjoy inspiring and engaging speakers, concurrent breakout sessions, discussions, and collaboration/networking opportunities.
  • Oregon's Environmental Education Conference is for individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels to come together and learn and network with one another, including environmental educators, school teachers/administrators, interpreters, higher education professors/students/administrators, youth group leaders, scientists, program managers, volunteers, nonprofit professionals, community leaders, consultants and anyone who supports and wants to learn more about environmental education.