About The Conference
Rise to Resilience: How Diversity Builds Strong Communities is the theme of the 2021 conference - how do you build resiliency in your workplace, in those you teach, in the environmental education field, with staff, and in your community.
Event Location
Friday to Sunday 30 July - 1 August, 2021
Access Conference Session Recordings & Materials
You must have registered for the 2021 Conference to access session content.
Registered conference attendees please click on the button below and login with the username and password you created when you registered for the conference or with your EEAO membership login (if you registered as a member).
Registered conference attendees please click on the button below and login with the username and password you created when you registered for the conference or with your EEAO membership login (if you registered as a member).
Conference Description
The 2021 Oregon Environmental Education Conference will feature a variety of engaging online sessions and a couple of opportunities to engage in-person in the Ashland area. This conference brings together individuals and organizations from all types of backgrounds looking to broaden their exposure to new ideas, perspectives, and practices in the outdoor and environmental education field. Most online sessions will be recorded and shared with everyone who registers for the conference.
Click on the following buttons to see the schedule and program with more information about each session and presenter bios.
Click on the following buttons to see the schedule and program with more information about each session and presenter bios.